Today was a day, also full of ambition, where I also put more than necessary on my plate.
I started my day at the Courtauld Gallery at Somerset House, and I was happy to be there. The collection is beautiful, and I was pleasantly surprised to find A Bar at the Folies-Bergère, the painting that made me want to be an art history major, there.

The special exhibition there was the artistic collaborations between Toulouse Lautrec and Jane Avril. It was a small collection, only two rooms, but it was interesting enough to see. I didn't realize that their friendship and working relationship was so strong, and was really pleased to learn more about it. Did you know that Avril would oftentimes come to Lautrec's studio and dance and sing for him while he sketched her? It is truly a charming thought.

After the Courtauld I met up with two ladies from my program, Susan and Astrid (from Holland) and we had Dutch pancakes and Bitterballen for lunch. It was all delicious and I think I will learn how to make Dutch pancakes soon so I can make them for all of my friends, etc.

Then I went to the V&A by way of the Natural History Museum (what a beautiful building) and the Royal Albert Hall (which unfortunately had tons of scaffolding over it so the photos I took weren't that great. Now imagine me yesterday, at the National Gallery, and how I just couldn't bear it. Now imagine me on Saturday, at the V&A... it was just about 10x worse. It was swimming with people! I couldn't even hear myself think about whether or not I wanted to stay. Luckily my walk in was aided by several sculptures, so I spent some time with those and then I was off again.
I had Indian food for dinner, Chicken Tikka Masala, Samosas, Rice Pilau (I added my own peas). It was delicious but I thought it would all be kind of spicy, and it was all really very mild. Ah well.
Today I visited the brother of the man who's house I am living in, and his wife and their daughter. We had a lovely chinese-style meal and it was truly delicious. I enjoyed spending time with them as they are all very interesting (and since I have been here alone this weekend it was nice to talk to people instead of just reminiscing about things in my head). I made them chocolate chip and rosemary "shortbread" style cookies which they seemed to enjoy. Otherwise I just did some reading for my essay and some relaxing in general. I ate my Indian leftovers for dinner, and I am ready for my last week in London.
My mother arrives on Tuesday and I am very excited for her arrival!